Noise Action Plan 2024

Closed2 May, 2024, 09:00 - 27 Jun, 2024, 17:00

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The Draft Noise Action Plan has been informed by and is based on the Strategic Noise Maps which were prepared for Monaghan County Council and which covers road transport noise from major roads with traffic volumes of more than 3 million vehicles per year.


Why We Are Doing It

The Noise Action Plan is required under the Environmental Noise Directive (“END”) (2002/49/EC) which was transposed into Irish law through the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 549/2018) and the European Communities (Environmental Noise) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 663/2021).  The Regulations require Strategic Noise Maps and Noise Action Plans to be made or revised every five years.

When We Are Doing It

This Noise Action Plan covers Round 4 of the implementation of the END.  The final Noise Action Plan must be completed and issued to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) by the 18th July 2024 and subsequently issued by the EPA to the EU Commission by the end of January 2025.

Requirements of the Noise Action Plan

The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires local authorities to draw-up plans of action which will include measures to 'address priorities which may be identified by the exceeding of any relevant limit value or by other criteria chosen by the Member State and apply in particular to the most important areas as established by strategic noise mapping'.  It also requires Plans to identify and protect “quiet areas against an increase in noise”.

Why your views matter

The Draft Noise Action Plan relates to Noise from major roads with traffic volumes of more than 3 million vehicles per year within the county and includes the national road; N2 and parts of the non-national road network, namely the R937 (Dublin Road, Monaghan Town), R162 (Glen Road, Monaghan Town), R181 (Main Street, Castleblayney), R183 (Monaghan Road, Castleblayney), R938 (York Street, Castleblayney) & R927 (Main Street, Carrickmacross).

Reader note

Readers are welcome to view the draft plan and aspects of the plan that may be relevant to you. Readers are further invited to make any comments on the SEA and AA screening reports accompanying the Draft Noise Action Plan.

Closing date for submissions on the Draft Noise Action Plan is 5pm on the 27th June 2024

Closing date for submissions on the Screening Reports for the draft plan is 5pm on the 30th May 2024

